NINO3.4 Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Are Approaching Zero

This is just a quick update for those keeping a close eye on the equatorial Pacific.

The weekly sea surface temperature anomalies of the three central and eastern region ENSO indices (NINO3.4, NINO4, NINO1+2) are all dropping, returning to “normal” conditions.   The NINO4 sea surface temperature anomalies have been hovering near a +0.5 deg C anomaly for the past few weeks.

ENSO Indices

Unfortunately, the global data are still climbing–rising close to (but not yet reaching) record high levels. They don’t like these off-season El Niño events.  The North Pacific is still warming, and the North Atlantic has just responded to the earlier El Niño conditions in the tropical Pacific, making a big leap in the last week.



The weekly Reynolds OI.v2 sea surface temperature data are available through the NOAA NOMADS website.


About Bob Tisdale

Research interest: the long-term aftereffects of El Niño and La Nina events on global sea surface temperature and ocean heat content. Author of the ebook Who Turned on the Heat? and regular contributor at WattsUpWithThat.
This entry was posted in 2014-15 El Nino Series, SST Update. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to NINO3.4 Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Are Approaching Zero

  1. Thanks, Bob.
    It is good to be able to observe from your perch, and learn about nature.

  2. Bob Tisdale says:

    mpcraig, Andrew Revkin at NYTimes had a post about that study and few of the climate scientists Revkin interviewed agreed with it:


  3. Arska setä says:

    Hello Bob

    Do you remember my El Nino predictor couple of months ago? It seems that it is working pretty well. There was no remarkable temperature trop on NH while EL Nino was on developing phase, so we didint see majoe El Nino Event…


  4. Arska says:

    Here is the working link:

  5. Arska says:

    It seems that reply field doesn’t accept colon in the link text…

  6. Pamela Gray says:

    You know, if you can get Bill Nye over here he can set us straight as to how El Nino’s develop.

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