>Recharging The Pacific Warm Pool

>Note: This is my first attempt at uploading or linking a video I created, so things might get interesting.


In prior posts, I’ve noted that the heat upwelled during El Nino events isn’t all released into the atmosphere, that much of it is returned to the West Pacific and the Pacific Warm Pool where it awaits the next El Nino event. This video of the 1997/98 El Nino and the years that followed should help illustrate the process. I’ve interrupted the flow of the SSH video from JPL to narrate as needed. I also took the opportunity to illustrate and reinforce the lingering effects of the 1997/98 El Nino.

YouTube Link:

Sorry, no audio.


Sea Surface Height videos are available from NASA’s Jet Propulsion website:
The video used in the preceding is a much edited version of:

Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature Data (OISST) are available through the NOAA National Operational Model Archive & Distribution System (NOMADS).

About Bob Tisdale

Research interest: the long-term aftereffects of El Niño and La Nina events on global sea surface temperature and ocean heat content. Author of the ebook Who Turned on the Heat? and regular contributor at WattsUpWithThat.
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3 Responses to >Recharging The Pacific Warm Pool

  1. Bill Illis says:

    >Bill Illis here.Great movies Bob.I like the animations and the movies because I think you can gain a lot more insight into what is going on.I see what you are saying about the lingering effects.

  2. Bill Illis says:

    >Here is (maybe) a new one for you Bob (I haven’t heard this until now).The Indian Ocean is really the only ocean basin with any sea level rise since 2002 and it is rising very fast at 5 mm per year. All the other ocean basins are more-or-less flat over the period.With all the El Ninos over the past 10 years, it looks like a lot of warm ocean water has been pushed into the western pacific and, especially, the Indian Ocean.I guess that supports the general contention that El Ninos can have long-lasting effects.http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com/fileadmin/images/news/indic/msl/MSL_Serie_J1_Indian_NoIB_RWT_PGR_NoAdjust.pngSame chart with the seasonal signal removed.http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com/fileadmin/images/news/indic/msl/MSL_Serie_J1_Indian_NoIB_RWT_PGR_Adjust.png

  3. Bob Tisdale says:

    >Thanks for the notes, Bill. I started downloading sea level data for the individual basins yesterday for an upcoming post, but got sidetracked. It’ll be good to see what correlates with what. I’ve got family in town for a few days so I’m behind in my posts. Thanks again.Regards

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